The Start of Something Special

<taps mic> Hey everyone, I’ve got some exciting news to share! After years of dealing with janky dev setups, broken tests, and brittle deployment platforms, I’ve decided to do something about it.

We’re calling it Miren, and the vision is to rethink how software is developed, deployed, and managed. The cloud computing revolution has given us a lot, but it’s still in its 1.0 phase: cobbling together solutions from the big cloud vendors, a maze of resources, and platform teams desperately trying to pave working paths. The cloud didn’t tame complexity; it delivered us so much complexity that we forgot what we were trying to do in the first place.

The first area we're tackling is software deployment. This problem hasn't gotten any easier in the last decade and the increased amount of software caused by AI coding tools and AI agents is exacerbating the problem. Improving software deployment, including managing the software in production, can have a huge impact on how and what we can get out to users in the world.

Critically, the future is human-centric workflows, where systems are designed with human interaction in mind. It’s well-designed components building well-designed systems with every layer of the equation considered. It’s answering the question: how can we make this more elegant?

Everyone I’ve told about this says “wow, that’s a big vision,” and they’re right. It is big, it’s important, and a vision I truly believe in. Today, I’m thrilled to announce that BlueYard Capital and Union Square Ventures share in that belief, and have provided $3M in seed funding to help us get Miren started.

I can't wait to tell you all about what we're going to get up to this year! If you want those sweet, sweet status updates, please sign up at!